Our Agency

Iowa Energy Center Board - October 9, 2024


Location: Missouri Conference Room | 1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200 | Des Moines, Iowa or via Teams Webinar
Date: October 9, 2024 | 3:30 p.m.


Board Members Stuart Anderson – Chair, Craig Just – Vice Chair, Kelcey Brown, Troy DeJoode, Naomi DeWinter, Debi Durham, Mayuri Farlinger, Erik Helland, Anne Kimber, Christy Ryken, Taaf Vermeulen, Matt Washburn, and Lanny Zieman.


  1. Welcome & Introductions

    Stuart Anderson
    1. Roll Call

      Catalina Bos
  2. Energy Infrastructure Revolving Loan Program (EIRLP)

    Stephanie Weisenbach
    1. EIRLP Update

    2. Updates to Policies and Procedures Handbook

  3. Grant Modification Request – 21-IEC-001

    Amber Buckingham
    Roll Call
  4. Other Business

    Stuart Anderson
  5. Public Comment Period

    1. A public comment period will be held at this time and is limited to 10 minutes. If you are interested in offering a comment, please email energycenter@iowaeda.com in advance of the meeting and provide your name and the topic of your comment. 

  6. Adjournment

    Stuart Anderson

To request virtual access to the meeting, please email energycenter@iowaeda.com

Please Note:

The meeting will convene no earlier than stated above, but may begin later, depending upon length of earlier meetings. Some members of the board may participate electronically due to travel issues. Agenda items may be considered out of order at the discretion of the Chair. If you require accommodation to participate in this public meeting, call (515) 348-6221 to make your request. Please notify us as long as possible in advance of meeting.

*This meeting will be accessible to members of the public in person at IEDA or email energycenter@iowaeda.com to request a link to participate in the meeting via Teams. 
