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IEDA Board - September 20, 2024


Location: 1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200 – Helmick Conference Room Public Webinar Access:*
Board packets are available here.
Date: September 20, 2024 | 9:05 a.m.


Voting Board Members Emily Schmitt – Chair, Doug Boone – Vice Chair, Melissa Ballard, Bobbi Bentz, Mark Kittrell, Megan McKay, Pankaj Monga, Hank Norem, Lisa Shimkat, Jennifer Steffensmeier and Thomas Townsend.
Ex-Officio Non-Voting Members David Barker, Jay Byers, Rob Denson, Senator Izaah Knox, Senator Carrie Koelker, Representative Heather Matson and Representative Ray Sorensen.


  1. Board Chair

    Emily Schmitt
    1. Welcome

    2. Roll Call and Introductions

    3. Approval of August 16, 2024 Meeting Minutes

    4. Approval of September 20, 2024 Meeting Agenda

  2. Public Comment Period

    1. A public comment period for the full meeting will be held at this time to accommodate visitors. This period is limited to 10 minutes.

  3. Compliance – CONSENT AGENDA

    Emily Schmitt
    1. 120 Day Report

    2. Compliance Report

      1. Premier Tech Prairie, Inc. – Urbandale

      2. EVCO Holdings, LLC – Mason City

  4. Compliance – TCC Recommendations

    Katie Rockey
    1. Apprenticeship America, Inc. dba Axis-U – Ankeny

    2. Mod Advisor, Inc. – Denison

    3. Shaka Culture, Inc. – Hiawatha

  5. TCC Recommendations

    Anna Lensing
    1. America’s Seed Fund, F/K/A SBIR/STTR Outreach Program

    2. Tylmen, Inc. (Proof of Commercial Relevance)

  6. Rules

    1. Rescind 261 IAC Chapters 15, 21, 50, 54, 101, 114 and 163

      Lisa Connell
    2. Rescind Iowa Targeted Small Business Certification Program Rules, 261 IAC Chapter 52, and Adopt a New Chapter in Lieu Thereof

      Lisa Connell
    3. Rescind Iowa Targeted Small Business Financial Assistance Program Rules, 261 IAC Chapter 55, and Adopt a New Chapter in Lieu Thereof 

      Lisa Connell
  7. Authorize IEDA to Enter into 28E Agreement

    Heather Gibb
  8. Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) Program

    Alaina Santizo
    1. North Iowa Events Center - Contract 24-CAT-010: Request to Extend Fundraising Deadline

  9. Iowa Rural Certified Site Initiative and Approval of Guidelines

    Amy Kuhlers
  10. Allocation of FY 25 Tax Credit Cap

    Terry Roberson
  11. Budget and Finance Report

    Terry Roberson
  12. Director’s Update

    Debi Durham
  13. Other Business

    1. Next Board Meeting is October 18, 2024

  14. Adjournment

    Emily Schmitt

Please Note:
The meeting will convene no earlier than stated above, but may begin later, depending upon length of earlier meetings. Some members of the board may participate electronically due to travel issues. Agenda items may be considered out of order at the discretion of the Chair. If you require accommodation to participate in this public meeting, call (515) 348-6146 to make your request. Please notify us as long as possible in advance of meeting.

*This meeting will be accessible to members of the public in person at IEDA or click on the link above to request the link to participate in the meeting via Teams. You will be directed to register to receive the link.
