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Iowa Energy Center Board Minutes - May 2022

State of Iowa
Iowa Energy Center Board
Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2022
Via Teams Webinar Only

Call to order 1:00 p.m.

Board Members Present
Troy DeJoode, Chair
Dan Nickey, Board Vice Chair
Stuart Anderson
Debi Durham
Gul Kremer-Okudan
Geri Huser
Jennifer Johnson (joined late)
Valerie Newhouse
Kelcey Brown
Matt Washburn
Craig Just
Terry Kouba

Board Members Absent
Jenae Jenison

Iowa Economic Development Authority Staff Present
Brian Selinger
Amber Buckingham
Stephanie Weisenbach
Lisa Connell
Jeff Geerts
Deanna Triplett
Ryan Young
Abbie Christophersen
Rob Christiansen
Vicky Clinkscales
Betty Hessing
Terry Roberson
Kanan Kappelman

Others Present
Daniel Laube, Job Shadowing Debi Durham
Chaz Allen, Iowa Utility Association
Derek Folden, Iowa Finance Authority
Michael Thibodeau, Iowa Finance Authority
Brenda Biddle, Iowa Utilities Board
Alex Cutchey, Iowa Municipal Utilities
Jeff Gorrie, Iowa Municipal Utilities
Kimberly Norvell, The Des Moines Register
Christy Ryken, University of Northern Iowa
Dan Clark, Iowa Prison Industries
Peter Evans, Iowa State University
Noah Tong, Corridor Business Journal
Kim Hagemann, Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement
David Fincham, Ideal Energy Solar
Jessica Flannery, Guest

Welcome & Introductions by Board Chair Troy DeJoode
Troy DeJoode welcomed everyone to the May 12th IEC Board meeting.

Roll Call
Betty Hessing did roll call and a quorum was established.

Consideration of March 2, 2022 IEC Board Meeting Minutes
Motion by Debi Durham
Motion I move approval of the March 2, 2022 minutes as printed
and distributed.
Second Dan Nickey
Voice Vote All ayes in favor. Motion approved.

Fiscal Update – Attachment A 
Terry Roberson explained that on the main grant account, there has been a bit
more administrative costs and a few more pay-outs. That will change in a
couple of months when the new awards are made this summer. On the previous
loan portfolio, the repayments spiked-up quite a bit because we received a
$370,000 pay-off at the end of March. On the new loan account, not a lot going
on until the first award is approved. Terry Roberson asked if there were any
questions; no questions.

Competitive Grant Program Update – Amber Buckingham
Amber Buckingham reported that we launched the fourth round of preapplications
in February. Those had a submission deadline of March 22nd. The
program did receive fifty-one pre-applications this cycle. The Grant Committee
has about $10.5M in grant funding requests. The Grant Committee met the last
week of April to review the pre-applications and thirteen pre-applications were
selected for full applications. Those opened for submission on May 2nd and will
close on June 14th. The Committee will review those full applications at the end
of July and the funding decisions will be made at the August 11th meeting. We
also have our first few final reports coming in from our first couple of cycles of
grants. We are in the process of reviewing those for completeness, but we will
provide a summary for the Board at the August meeting and we may pick a few
to come in and present their findings. Amber Buckingham asked if there were
any questions; no questions.

Grant Modification Request for 21-IEC-009 – Attachment B 
Amber Buckingham stated Iowa State University has requested a grant
modification amendment for award 21-IEC-009 — Micro-DERMS: DER
Management System for Real-Time Monitoring and Control of Networked
Mobile-Microgrids and DER-integrated Distribution Grids.
The original Principal Investigator (PI) of this project will no longer be a PI and
ISU would like to transition the PI role to Dr. Anne Kimber effective immediately.
Dr. Kimber does currently serve as the Co-PI on the project and she has the expertise necessary to successfully complete the project. The end date for the
project is October 4, 2024 and this does not change any of the financial pieces
of the project.
Our Administrative Rules require that any changes like this, requires Board
approval. Staff recommendation would be to approve the change of PI for
21-IEC-009, which will be effective immediately.
Chairperson DeJoode asked if there were questions; no questions were asked.
Motion by Geri Huser
Motion I move to approve the grant modification request for
Second Debi Durham
Roll Call Yes: 12 Abstained: 0
Motion approved.

Energy Infrastructure Revolving Loan Program (EIRLP) – EIRLP Update –
Stephanie Weisenbach stated the Energy Infrastructure Revolving Loan
Program received three applications in this quarterly cycle, all from business
applicants, totaling just over $3M in requests. The policies and procedures that
this Board approved, provides for up to $5M of loans to be awarded per quarter,
contingent on available funding and as stated in the Financial Report, we have
over $14M available in the program. We have been continuing to promote the
program to try to create an uptick in applications and we do have these three
this cycle. This round of applications has been opportunity for us to use a new
framework for the program, which we have developed over the past few years
with the Board and also due to legislation passed last year.
One of the three applications is on your agenda today as the next item, but all
three applications were discussed at a Loan Committee meeting recently. All
the applications had some different attributes that responded to the purposes
provided in Iowa Code for this new program and the evaluation criteria
established by Administrative Rule, so in the report for the next one and
subsequent ones, we will make sure to clarify how the applicants propose they
meet those criteria. For two of those applications, Loan Committee members
had some questions and requests for additional information—specifically more
on the energy project related plans before they would be comfortable in making
a recommendation to the Board. Our work with the Loan Committee going
forward will include more discussion on what is needed in terms of information
and the review process.
Stephanie Weisenbach gave an overview on the two projects that are not on
today’s agenda, but will be coming to the Board in the future. They both include
solar and battery storage and in this new program, we have specified that any
applications for solar loans should include some sort of innovative technology or
approach. One of the projects would incorporate photolabile like fabric
technology into a fabric building. The other project would incorporate a very
large battery pack to manage peak demand at an industrial business. One of
the applicant’s pledged collateral is for a mortgage on the property and also
using the project equipment itself, as solar and batteries as collateral through a
UCC filing.
We have a Loan Committee meeting scheduled for May 26th where we plan to
discuss the additional information that we are providing for the Loan
Committee’s review. We anticipate scheduling a special Energy Center Board
meeting before the next quarterly meeting, when the applications and the
Committee’s recommendations will be ready for your consideration.
Ms. Weisenbach asked if there were questions; no questions were asked

Mission Green, LLC – Electric Heat Pumps and Solar Project -
Attachment C

Stephanie Weisenbach explained Mission Green, LLC has requested a
$236,250 loan for a ten-year term. The recommendation from the Loan
Committee was to approve this particular loan application. As a summary, this is
an LLC that is going to be completing and owning an energy infrastructure
project and they will also have a Power Purchase and Lease Agreement with
Good Shephard Lutheran Church in Decorah, Iowa. The primary components of
the project are the addition of 41 kW of solar through new bi-facial solar panels,
including a solar canopy supported by a pergola, and installing high efficiency,
air-to-air, variable refrigerant flow electric heat pumps to replace the existing
HVAC systems which would fully electrify the building’s operations. The total
project cost is $315,000. The electric utility for this applicant is Alliant Energy
and the natural gas utility is Black Hills Energy.
For their funding sources, they do have another loan secured for $75,000. They
also have private equity to cover the difference of any contingencies that may
come up in the course of the project. They are planning to use the Federal
Investment Tax Credit and they have clarified that they have the ability to utilize
that credit.
In terms of the program purpose, they have indicated that they needed the
criteria for a creative and innovative approach to a need or problem.
Specifically, to replace old HVAC systems and achieving their goal to be carbon
neutral. They are going to use this pergola structure to create a more innovative
and visible design for the project that can be seen by the variety of community
members that use the facilities for meetings and a preschool.
For their collateral, they do have an Irrevocable Letter of Credit pledged and the
bank has confirmed they are able to provide that for Mission Green, LLC. We
would not disburse the funds until collateral has been secured. The LLC is still
in the process of working on the agreements with the church so those are not
executed yet. We would need a motion for this project to have that as
contingency for approval which we would include in our agreement with Mission
Green, LLC. Installation date is estimated to be December 31, 2022.
Motion by Dan Nickey
Motion Motion to approve.
Second Craig Just
Roll Call Yes: 11 Abstained: 1 (Terry Kouba)
Motion approved.

Appointments to Committees and Election of Chair/Vice Chair –
Attachment D

Appointments to Grant Committee
Lisa Connell explained that we do not need to do a roll call for these, but we do
need three separate motions. First is to reappoint Jenae Jenison, Jennifer
Johnson, Gul Kremer and Dan Nickey to the Grant Committee as well as
appoint Matt Washburn to the Grant Committee; that will be a five-person Grant
Committee for a term from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.
Motion by Stuart Anderson
Motion I move to approve the reappointments of Jenae Jenison,
Jennifer Johnson, Gul Kremer, Dan Nickey and
appointment of Matt Washburn to a five-person Grant
Committee for a term from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.
Second Valerie Newhouse
Voice Vote All ayes in favor. Motion approved.

Appointments to Loan Committee
Lisa Connell explained we are reappointing Stuart Anderson, Kelcey Brown,
Troy DeJoode, Craig Just and Valerie Newhouse to the five-person Loan
Committee for a term from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.
Valerie Newhouse stated she will be retiring from her position at the end of July,
so the Community Colleges of Iowa will be suggesting a replacement for her.
Valerie Newhouse asked if Lisa Connell wanted to factor that person in on this
Committee and Lisa Connell replied we will have to wait until that person is
formally appointed and then re-do that once that has been taken care of.
Motion by Matt Washburn
Motion I move to approve the reappointments of Stuart Anderson,
Kelcey Brown, Troy DeJoode, Craig Just and Valerie
Newhouse to a five-person Loan Committee for a term from
July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.
Second Dan Nickey
Voice Vote All ayes in favor. Motion approved.

Election of Chair and Vice Chair
Lisa Connell explained the recommendation is to re-elect Troy DeJoode to
continue serving in the roll as Chair and Jenae Jenison to serve as Vice Chair
for a term from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.
Motion by Craig Just
Motion I move to approve the re-election of Troy DeJoode to serve
as Chair and Jenae Jenison to serve as Vice Chair for a
term from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.
Second Debi Durham
Voice Vote All ayes in favor. Motion approved.

Administrative Rules - Notice of Intended Action for amendments to Iowa
Energy Center Rules, 261 IAC, Chapter 403 – Attachment E

Lisa Connell explained this is seeking your approval to file a Notice of Intended
Action to the rule chapter that primarily relates to this Board—the purposes of
this Board and how this Board functions. The main reason for that change is
because we had a legislative change to those purposes for the Center and have
now included “To support research and development of strategies for carbon
management”. That part of the Iowa Code was amended and that change was
effective as of March when the bill was signed, so just updating the
corresponding rules that list those purposes. Also, including the change of the
number of board members required for a quorum from nine to seven and clarify
that meetings may be held electronically. What you are approving here is the
Notice of Intended Action that allows us to publish those rules for public
comment. Those will be open for comment for a certain number of days; you will
see these rules again at the August meeting to formally adopt them and they
then become effective after that.
Motion by Craig Just
Motion I move to approve filing Notice of Intended Action for
amendments to 261 Iowa Administrative Code, Chapter
Second Stuart Anderson
Roll Call Yes: 11 Abstained: 0
Motion approved.

Utility Workforce Assessment – Attachment F – Christy Ryken from UNI gave
a presentation.
3D Affordable Innovative Technologies Housing Project – Attachment G –
Pete Evans from ISU gave a presentation.
Iowa Prison Industries Energy Training Program – Attachment H – Dan
Clark with Iowa Prison Industries gave a presentation.
Other Business
Troy DeJoode turned it over to Brian Selinger to give Energy Office updates.
Energy Office Updates
Brian Selinger stated we will be in touch with you if we need to schedule a
special Board meeting before the August Board meeting. Every June 30th we
have Board terms that come due so we have a couple board members and also
now hearing that Val Newhouse will be retiring—congratulations to Val and we
will miss having you on this Board. I will work back through Val and a couple
other members to make sure you have the guidance to re-apply for Governor
appointment, if you would like to do so.
Brian Selinger thanked his colleagues and the Board members for their time in
reviewing grant and loan applications and in attending the Board meetings.
Remaining 2022 IEC Board
August 11, 2022 and November 17, 2022

Public Comment Period No public comments.
Chairperson DeJoode asked for a motion to adjourn.
Motion by Geri Huser
Motion I move to adjourn.
Second Craig Just
Voice Vote All ayes.

Adjournment 2:31 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Betty Hessing, Administrative Assistant
