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SSBCI Review Committee - February 7, 2023


Location: 1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200 – Helmick Conference Room
Date: February 7, 2023 | 9:30 a.m.


SSBCI Review Committee David Bernstein, Bill Daly, Rich Hichwa, Liz Hubing, Molly Varangkounh, Donna Ramaeker Zahn


  1. Committee Chair

    Molly Varangkounh
    1. Welcome and Introductions

    2. Roll Call

  2. Public Comment Period

    1. A public comment period for the full meeting will be held at this time to
      accommodate visitors. This period is limited to 10 minutes.

  3. 9:40 am: Funding Pipeline Update

    Adrienne Greenwald
  4. 9:55 am: Closed Session (Iowa Code sections 21.5(1)a, 15.118, 22.7.3, and 22.7.6)*?

    Roll Call
    1. Discussion of Information Contained in Applications for Financial Assistance that IEDA is Required to Keep Confidential

      Adrienne Greenwald
      1. 10:00: Malum Terminus Technologies dba IntelliSee: IIA Propel: $500,000

      2. 10:45: Bristola, LLC.: Demonstration Fund: $175,000

      3. 11:15: Kinetic Technologies LLC: Demonstration Fund: $175,000

  5. 11:45 am: Open Session

    1. Malum Terminus Technologies dba IntelliSee: IIA Propel: $500,000

      Roll Call
    2. Bristola, LLC.: Demonstration Fund: $175,000

      Roll Call
    3. Kinetic Technologies LLC: Demonstration Fund: $175,000

      Roll Call
  6. Other Business

    1. BusinessNext SSBCI meeting is April 4th, 2023

  7. Adjournment

PLEASE NOTE: Agenda items may be considered out of order at the discretion of the chair for each meeting. The meeting will not convene earlier than stated above, but may begin later, depending upon length of earlier meetings and quorum requirements.

If you require accommodations to participate in this public meeting, call (515) 348-6199 to make your request. Please notify us at least 24 hours in advance.

*The SSBCI Review Committee may go into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code, including but not limited tosections 21.5(1)a, 15.118, 22.7.3, and 22.7.6 to review and discuss records IEDA is required to treat as confidentialunder Iowa law. This may include trade secrets and/or confidential business and financial information aboutapplicants and industrial prospects with which the Authority is currently negotiating or during administration of acontract executed pursuant to a successful application.
Roll Call
