Grow Your Business
Do you want to see more growth from your business? Look no further. Below are helpful resources if you’re looking to add high-quality jobs, provide job training or retain job opportunities in Iowa.
High Quality Jobs
Assistance to off-set costs incurred to locate, expand or modernize an Iowa facility.
New Jobs Tax Credit
Tax credit incentive for businesses that provide additional training to employees and expand their workforce.
Targeted Jobs Withholding
Pilot program that allows diversion of withholding funds paid by an employer to be matched by a designated pilot city.
Butchery Innovation and Revitalization
Program that will provide grants for projects relating to small-scale meat processors, licensed custom meat lockers and mobile slaughter units.
Workforce Training
- Industrial New Jobs Training Program - 260E - Creating new jobs with employee training.
- Iowa Jobs Training Program - 260F - Providing job training to current employees.
- Community College Consortium - 260F - Funding assistance for training projects in which two or more businesses participate.
- Accelerated Career Education Program - 260G - Partnering with community colleges to train workforce.
- Career Link - Funding for workforce training for low-income individuals.
Apprenticeships & Internships
- Registered Apprenticeship Program - There are more than 1,000 occupations eligible for apprenticeship training grants. Iowa Workforce Development administers all apprenticeship programs.
- Student Internship Program - Grants to small and medium-sized companies in targeted industries to support internship programs.
- STEM Internship Program - Grants to Iowa companies for internship programs in STEM fields.
Investment & Retirement
- Angel Investor Tax Credit - Encouraging venture capital investment in Iowa startups.
- Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) - Assistance in creating an ESOP feasibility study.
News & Updates
August 16
IEDA Board approves assistance for two established companies
July 19
IEDA Board approves assistance for two established companies
June 21
IEDA Board approves assistance for an established company, awards funding for butchery innovation and revitalization
May 17