Our Agency
Iowa Energy Center Board Minutes - August 10, 2023
State of Iowa
Energy Center Board
Meeting Minutes of August 10, 2023
at lEDA, 1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200
Mississippi River Conference Room
Des Moines, Iowa
Or Via Teams Webinar
Energy Center Board
Meeting Minutes of August 10, 2023
at lEDA, 1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200
Mississippi River Conference Room
Des Moines, Iowa
Or Via Teams Webinar
Call to order 1:05 p.m.
Board Members Present
Stuart Anderson, Board Chair
Craig Just, Vice Chair
Kelcey Brown
Troy DeJoode*
Naomi DeWinter
Debi Durham
Erik Holland
Anne Kimber
Terry Kouba*
Dan Nickey
Taaf Vermeulen
Matt Washburn*
Lanny Zieman
Iowa Economic Development Authority Staff Present
Brian Selmger
Amber Buckingham
Stephanie Weisenbach
Lisa Connell
Deanna Triplett
Jeff Geerts
Abbie Chnstophersen*
Betty Messing*
Michelle Cook
Vicky Clmkscales
Ryan Young
Rob Christensen
Staci Hupp Ballard
Terry Roberson*
Kanan Kappelman*
Shelly Peterson*
Emily Hockins*
Iowa Finance Authority Staff Present
Dave Powell*
Samantha Askland*
Tim Morlan*
Others Present
JD Davis, Iowa Association of Business and Industry
Katie Larson, SSAB
Sean Keenan, SSAB
John Waldron, Shive-Hattery
Kevin Bruxvoort, Shive-Hattery
Tina Hoffman, MidAmerican
Joe Collins, Iowa Department of Education
David Huck, Canadian Pacific Kansas City
Dusky Terry, ITC Midwest
Ethan Hohenadel, Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives
Steve Falck, Environmental Law and Policy Center
Nick Peterson, Alhant Energy
Chen Monahan, ITC Midwest
Jim Reecy, Iowa State University
Line Kroeger, Knight Moves
Emma Simmons, Iowa Department of Transportation
Lon Foresman-Kirpes, Polk County Conservation
Brenda Biddle, Iowa Utilities Board
Linda Thrasher, Greenfield Nitrogen
Natalie Merrill, Chevron Renewable Energy Group
Rachel Geilenfeld, Chevron Renewable Energy Group
Todd Cogdill, Iowa Department of Transportation
Steve Lukan, Black Hills Energy
Craig Erickson, Shive-Hattery
Jeremy Caron, City of Des Moines
Joe Liviero, Winnebago Industries
Russ Gibson, Seneca Companies
Jason Cortes, Tritium Technologies
Lillie Brady, Iowa Governor’s Office
Adam Schwartz, Kwik Trip/Star
Holly Schnur, Verbio
Rich Iverson, City of Ames
Chaz Allen, Iowa Utility Association
Greg Northrup, Verbio
Chad Reece, Winnebago Industries
Kevin Kuhle, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation*
Bob Bird, Iowa Senate Republican Caucus*
Matt Gronewald, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation*
Evan Johnson, Legislative Services Agency*
Tamara Nicholson, Iowa Department of Transportation*
Natalie, Guest*
Shelby Ebel, Iowa Department of Transportation*
Jacob Maas, Kum and Go*
Mike Bahr, Turner Construction Company*
Jace Mikels, Iowa Senate Democratic Caucus*
*Participated via Teams
Welcome & Introductions by Board Chair Stuart Anderson
Stuart Anderson welcomed everyone to the August 10th IEC Board meeting
Roll Call
Michelle Cook did roll call and a quorum was established.
Consideration of June 6, 2023 IEC Board Meeting Minutes
Motion by Debi Durham
Motion I move approval of the June 6, 2023 minutes as presented
Second Craig Just
Voice Vote All ayes in favor Motion approved
Fiscal Update - Attachment A
Terry Roberson explained there are about three weeks left and then we will put a wrap on State FY23 Both the Energy Center Grant Program and the Infrastructure Loan Program will have sufficient funds carried forward into State FY24 to carry out their responsibilities and tasks during the new fiscal year Terry Roberson stated he would be happy to answer any questions, but no questions were asked
Competitive Grant Program Update
Amber Buckingham gave an update on the competitive grant program and the current funding cycle There were 34 pre-applications this round The Grant Committee met to review the pre-applications and selected 11 to complete a full application Because the Grant Committee currently only has two members, funding decisions on those full applications have been delayed until we have a fuller Committee Hopefully after today we will have a four-person Committee and can resume review of those full applications If that happens, we will do our funding decisions at the October 3rd special meeting that Brian has previously emailed you about
Loan Termination, Sievers Family Farm LLC 21-AEL-001 - Attachment B
Stephanie Weisenbach gave an update on the Alternate Energy Revolving Loan Program that was inherited when IEDA assumed responsibilities for the Energy Center IEDA received a request to terminate Sievers Family Farm loan agreement This was awarded in 2021 and the borrower recipient has requested to terminate the loan agreement due to other priorities on their farm related to energy They've made that request and according to our procedures, it is the responsibility of the Board to decide on that termination for IEDA to complete in that legal process
Motion by Debi Durham
Motion I move to approve IEDA Execution of a Termination
Agreement with Sievers Family Farms, LLC
Second Dan Nickey
Roll Call Yes 13 Abstain 0
Motion approved
Energy Infrastructure Revolving Loan Program Loan Application Request - City of Kimballton - Attachment C
Stephanie Weisenbach shared there is a quarterly cycle for the Energy Infrastructure Revolving Loan Program Each quarter, IEDA and Iowa Finance Authority staff review applications The one application received this quarter was from the City of Kimballton They are eligible under the program They seek to complete improvements to its substation and distribution system,
including underground lines and enabling the ability to monitor and control the load on the system The total project cost is $3,072,500 The applicant is requesting almost $2 3 million for a 15-year loan term The applicant did not demonstrate the ability to repay the loan We would recommend and plan on suggesting other funding options and resources to assist them with their goals for infrastructure Stephanie Weisenbach stated the recommendation from the Loan Committee is to deny this application Brian Selmger expressed appreciation to Stephanie and the team working to find other options for the City Motion by Craig Just Motion I move to deny the application
Second Lanny Zieman
Roll Call Yes 12 Abstain 1 (DeJoode)
Motion approved
Appointment to Committees - Attachment D
Lisa Connell shared appointments to the Grant Committee and Loan Committee There are currently two members on the Grant Committee due to changing of membership of the board There is a vacancy on the Loan Committee The term would start today and go through April of next year Appointments to Grant Committee
Motion by Dan Mickey
Motion I move to appoint Anne Kimber and Taaf Vermeulen to a
four-person Grant Committee for a term from August 10,
2023 to April 30, 2024
Second Stuart Anderson
Voice Vote All ayes m favor Motion approved
Appointments to Loan Committee
Motion by Erik Holland
Motion I move to appoint Lanny Zieman to a five-person Loan Committee for a term from August 10, 2023 to April 30, 2024
Second Debi Durham
Roll Call All ayes in favor Motion approved
CPKC Hydrogen Locomotive Program - Attachment E
David Huck with Canadian Pacific Kansas City, made a presentation on CPKC Hydrogen Locomotive Program
Biodiesel in Iowa - Attachment F
Natalie Merrill with Chevron Renewable Energy Group, made a presentation on Biodiesel in Iowa
Destination Net Zero - Attachment G
Kelcey Brown with MidAmerican Energy, made a presentation on Destination Net Zero
Zero-C02 Emissions Steel - Attachment H
Katie Larson with SSAB, made a presentation on Zero-C02 Emissions Steel
Advancing Renewables - Attachment I
Greg Northrup with Verbio, made a presentation on Advancing Renewables
e-RV2 Overview - Attachment J
Chad Reece with Winnebago Industries, made a presentation on e-RV2
Update on Iowa’s Implementation of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program - Attachment K
Stuart Anderson with Iowa Department of Transportation, made a presentation on Update on Iowa’s Implementation of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program
Other Business
Stuart Anderson turned it over to Brian Selmger to give Energy Office updates
Energy Center Office Updates
Brian Selmger expressed appreciation to colleagues, Board, presenters and guests IEDA has a new website for the two residential energy efficiency and electrification programs, rebate programs https://www.iowaeda.com/iowa-residential-energy-efficiency-programs/
There is significant funding coming to the State Energy Office/IEDA, $120 million Federal guidance was just released Update information will be posted on the web page Individuals can sign up for information and updates These programs are going to be complicated and complex We want to do this thoughtfully and in a managed way Rebates will not be showing until 2024
October 3rd is a special board meeting The meeting is expected to primarily be a virtual meeting to approve grants now that we have a full team on board to review those full applications The next quarterly meeting will be November 16th
Public Comment Period No public comments
Chairperson Anderson adjourned the meeting
Adjournment 3:03 p m
Respectfully Submitted,
Michelle Cook, IEC Board Administrator