Our Agency

Iowa Energy Center Board Minutes - October 3, 2023

State of Iowa
Energy Center Board
Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2023
at IEDA, 1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200
Helmick Conference Room
Des Moines, Iowa
Or Via Teams Webinar

Call to order 10:00 a.m.

Board Members Present
Stuart Anderson, Board Chair
Craig Just, Vice Chair*
Kelcey Brown*
Troy DeJoode*
Naomi DeWinter*
Debi Durham
Anne Kimber*
Terry Kouba*
Dan Nickey*
Taaf Vermeulen*
Matt Washburn*
Lanny Zieman

Erik Helland

Iowa Economic Development Authority Staff Present
Brian Selinger
Amber Buckingham
Stephanie Weisenbach
Lisa Connell
Deanna Triplett
Abbie Christophersen*
Michelle Cook
Beau Hanson
Staci Hupp Ballard
Terry Roberson
Kanan Kappelman
Shelly Peterson
Emily Hockins*

Iowa Finance Authority Staff Present
Dave Powell*
Samantha Askland*
Tim Morlan*
Others Present
Maison Bleam, Iowa Utilities Board*
Jace Mikels, Iowa Senate Democratic Caucus*
Jordan Elliott, Pearl Certification*
Jessica Flannery, Iowa House of Representatives Democratic Research Staff*

*Participated via Teams

Welcome & Introductions by Board Chair Stuart Anderson
Stuart Anderson welcomed everyone to the October 3rd IEC Board meeting.

Roll Call
Michelle Cook did roll call and a quorum was established.

Consideration of August 10, 2023 IEC Board Meeting Minutes
Motion by Lanny Zieman
Motion I move approval of the August 10, 2023 minutes as presented.
Second Anne Kimber
Voice Vote All ayes in favor. Motion approved.

Fiscal Update – Attachment A
Terry Roberson explained the main grant program will have about $12.3 million in obligated carryover funds coming into State FY24. The Energy Infrastructure Loan Program will have just around $11.7 million coming forward into State FY24. Those numbers are not final because state accounting will not rebalance those funds for another couple of weeks but they should be very close. Terry Roberson stated he would be happy to answer any questions, but no questions were asked.

Competitive Grant Program Recommendations for Awards – Attachment B
Amber Buckingham gave an update on the competitive grant program and the current funding cycle.

The Iowa Energy Center (IEC) Competitive Grant Program awards grants for projects that align with one of the key focus areas of the Iowa Energy Plan. Projects must also provide a benefit to Iowa ratepayers. Eligible applicants include Iowa based businesses, colleges and universities, and private non-profit agencies and foundations. The maximum grant award is $1,000,000. The minimum award is $10,000.

As established by 261 Iowa Administrative Code 404, the IEC Grant Committee reviews pre-applications and full applications and makes recommendations for funding to the IEC Board. The committee is comprised of four voting members of the IEC Board. The committee reviewed eleven full application submissions as a group and submitted one score sheet per application. Points were assigned based on the scoring matrix established in the Policies and Procedures Handbook. A minimum score of 160 is required to qualify for a grant award. Six full application submissions achieved a score above 160. All of the applications that achieved the minimum necessary score have been recommended for awards, totaling $1,583,407.

514135 – A Low-Cost Bioinspired Hydroelectric System for Utilizing Untapped Riverine Hydropower in Iowa.
Applicant Organization: Iowa State University
Grant Award Request: $201,916
Partners: Blue Energy
Summary: A bio-inspired, low-cost hydroelectric system for utilizing Iowa's untapped riverine hydropower.

514211 - Development of functionalized nanocomposite membranes for the selective, high-capacity recovery of critical materials for a clean energy transition.
Applicant Organization: University of Iowa
Grant Award Request: $315,133
Partners: Notre Dame
Summary: Create new materials for recovery of lithium, a critical resource for renewable energy.

514229 - Resilient Iowa Communities Rural Support Project
Applicant Organization: University of Northern Iowa
Grant Award Request: $176,358
Partners: City of Charles City, City of Decorah, and Iowa Northland Regional
Summary: Engage 10-12 rural Iowa towns in an energy assessment and implement 1 energy / carbon project each.

514132 - 3D bioprinting of microbial biofilms for gas pipeline corrosion prevention
Applicant Organization: Iowa State University
Grant Award Request: $300,000
Partners: Interstate Power and Light and Black Hills Energy
Summary: We will develop a 3D printed anticorrosion biofilm coating for underground gas pipelines.

517589 – Modernization of Protection and Stability Techniques for 100% Clean Electricity
Applicant Organization: Iowa State University
Grant Award Request: $300,000
Partners: Interstate Power and Light, CIPCo, Cornbelt Power Cooperative, MidAmerican Energy
Summary: New protection and stability advances for the reliable operation of a 100% Iowa clean grid.

520617 – AI-guided Lignin valorization to make bio-based batteries through interfacial engineering for waste-to-wealth conversion
Applicant Organization: Iowa State University
Grant Award Request: $290,000
Partners: Zymosense
Summary: AI-tweaked safe bacteria eat lignin, emit current, make bio-battery + Lignin membrane replace Nafion.

Amber Buckingham explained we have to do these recommendations in a few motions because of Board recusals.

Motion by Debi Durham
Motion I move to approve IEC Grant Committee Funding Recommendation for Application Number 514211
Second Lanny Zieman
Roll Call Yes: 11 Recuse: 1 (Craig Just)
Motion approved.

Motion by Anne Kimber
Motion I move to approve IEC Grant Committee Funding Recommendation for Application Numbers 514135 (Iowa State University), 514229 (University of Northern Iowa), 520617 (Iowa State University).
Second Craig Just
Roll Call Yes: 12 Recuse: 0
Motion approved.

Motion by Debi Durham
Motion I move to approve IEC Grant Committee Funding Recommendation for Application Number 517589 (Iowa State University).
Second Lanny Zieman
Roll Call Yes: 9 Recuse: (Kelcey Brown, Anne Kimber, Terry Kouba)
Motion approved.

Motion by Dan Nickey
Motion Approve IEC Grant Committee Funding Recommendation for Application Number 514132 (Iowa State University).
Second Craig Just
Roll Call Yes: 11 Recuse: (Terry Kouba)
Motion approved.

Competitive Grant Program Recommendations for Denial – Attachment C
Amber Buckingham stated the Iowa Energy Center (IEC) Competitive Grant Program awards grants for projects that align with one of the key focus areas of the Iowa Energy Plan. Projects must also provide a benefit to Iowa ratepayers. Eligible applicants include Iowa based businesses, colleges and universities, and private non-profit agencies and foundations. The maximum grant award is $1,000,000. The minimum award is $10,000.

As established by 261 Iowa Administrative Code 404, the IEC Grant Committee reviews pre-applications and full applications and makes recommendations for funding to the IEC Board. The committee is comprised of four voting members of the IEC Board. The committee reviewed eleven full application submissions as a group and submitted one score sheet per application. Points were assigned based on the scoring matrix established in the Policies and Procedures Handbook. A minimum score of 160 is required to qualify for a grant award. Five full application submissions failed to achieve a score above 160. All of the applications that failed to achieve the minimum necessary score have been recommended for denial.

Ms. Buckingham gave an overview of each application.
(1) Application 514918 - Jumpstarting the Market for High Performance Homes in Iowa. Project partners are Pearl, Elevate, Iowa City Realtors, Kirkwood Community College.
(2) Application 514237 - Iowa Ratepayer Carbon Sequestration 2023. Project partners are Iowa DNR, Iowa Composting Council.
(3) Application 520275 - Rural Community Generation Planning with Carbon Management. Project partners are: IAMU, Harlan Municipal Utilities, Ames.
(4) Application 514262 - Optimal Proactive Distribution Transformer Replacement Planning. Project partners are: Cedar Falls Utilities, Linn County Electric Coop.
(5) Application 520448 - Analysis of the Feasibility of Small-Scale Green Ammonia Production as a Fossil Fuel, Energy Carrier, and Storage Alternative in Iowa. Project partners are Pacifica Energy.

Amber Buckingham stated we will have to consider these recommendations in multiple motions due to Board member recusals.

Motion by Debi Durham
Motion I move to approve IEC Grant Committee Denial Recommendation for Application Numbers 514918 (The Energy Group), 514237 (University of Northern Iowa), 520448 (Strategic Economic Group).
Second Anne Kimber
Roll Call Yes: 12 Recuse: 0
Motion approved.

Motion by Lanny Zieman
Motion I move to approve IEC Grant Committee Denial Recommendation for Application Number 514262 (Iowa State University).
Second Debi Durham
Roll Call Yes: 11 Recuse: 1 (Anne Kimber)
Motion approved.

Motion by Craig Just
Motion I move to approve IEC Grant Committee Denial Recommendation for Application Number 520275 (Iowa State University).
Second Lanny Zieman
Roll Call Yes: 11 Recuse: 1 (Troy DeJoode)
Motion approved.

Other Business
Stuart Anderson turned it over to Brian Selinger to give Energy Office updates.

Energy Center Office Updates
I want to apologize and thank you for juggling with us today with the tech issues. Our next quarterly board meeting is on November 16th. We have some really good presentations in mind. Hopefully we will see you in person on the 16th.

Public Comment Period
No public comments.

Chairperson Anderson adjourned the meeting.

10:36 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Michelle Cook, IEC Board Administrator
