Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
Feasibility Study
Assistance Creating an ESOP Feasibility Study
Iowa incentivizes the creation of ESOPs to retain businesses. Companies with an ESOP can sell the business to its employees when the owners retire or start a new business. An ESOP allows owners to share equity with employees and provides a retirement plan for those employees.
The Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) helps Iowa business owners complete the first step of setting up an ESOP - a feasibility study conducted by an independent financial professional.
- Reimburses 50% (not to exceed $25,000) of the cost incurred to obtain a feasibility study
- Reimbursement is dispersed in two stages: half is released upon conclusion of the feasibility study and the remaining half after successful formation of the ESOP
Administrative rules for the program can be found here.
Who Qualifies?
- Must be an Iowa-based company
- Applicants who have completed a feasibility study prior to applying are not eligible
- Retail businesses are not eligible
- Business structures other than corporations are not eligible; businesses that intend to become a corporation as part of a potential transition to an ESOP, may provide a letter of intent describing plans to incorporate