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Career Links Employment Transportation

CDBG Programs

Addressing Barriers to Employment

Funds awarded through the Career Link Employment Transportation program provide transportation for individuals to travel to job activities or job education opportunities. Funding is provided through local governments to non-profit transportation service providers.

  • Up to $150,000 is available
  • For operational expenses (not for purchasing buses or other equipment)
  • Funds flow through local government to non-profit transportation entity providing services

  • Non-entitlement cities (under 50,000) or counties
  • Majority of beneficiaries (individuals utilizing transportation) must reside in non-entitlement communities
  • One-for-one cash match required for projects
    • Matching funds can be a combination of funds from participating businesses, local, state and federal funds
  • May not include retail or service businesses
    • A service business is one providing services to a local consumer market which does not have a significant proportion of its sales coming from outside the state
  • Majority of beneficiaries (51%) must be low- and moderate income individuals, as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis, as funds are available.  Please contact program administrator to determine if funding in available. Visit for application instructions and to apply for funds.

For more information, contact:

Joyce Brown
